The Best Cuban Photographers: Masterpieces of Cuban Imagery

CUBA. Santa Clara. 1959. ‘Castro enters town and delivers a speech that lasts for hours’. No photograph or digital file may be reproduced, cropped or modified (digitally or otherwise), and its caption may not be altered without prior written agreement from the photographer or a Magnum representative. Photos taken the first days of January 1959 when Cuban Dictator Fulgancio BATISTA was ousted and escaped to the Dominican Republic and Cuban rebel leader Fidel CASTRO marched with his Revolutionary Army of 8500 partisan men and women from the mountains towards Havana. His movement was called «The 26th July Movement», the date of the first Cuban insurection of 1933.Castro and his men liberated Havana, in order to appoint Dr Manuel URRUTIA as President designate. Photos taken the first days of January 1959 when Cuban Dictator Fulgancio BATISTA was ousted and escaped to the Dominican Republic and Cuban rebel leader Fidel CASTRO marched with his Revolutionary Army of 8500 partisan men and women from the mountains towards Havana. His movement was called «The 26th July Movement», the date of the first Cuban insurection of 1933.Castro and his men liberated Havana, in order to appoint Dr Manuel URRUTIA as President designate.

This article aims to highlight some of the most significant Cuban photographers in the history of Cuban photography. While some are no longer with us, their impact on the country’s photographic heritage remains profound.


One of the most influential Cuban photographers for me was Alfredo Sarabia (father), who pioneered an original approach within documentary photography in Cuba. Currently, his son, Alfredo Sarabia (son), stands out as one of the most prominent Cuban artists. His work, though not always traditional documentary photography, incorporates many elements of contemporary conceptual photography.

Alfredo Sarabia Dominguez (1951 – 1992)

In the late 1970s, the work of Alfredo Sarabia Domínguez (1951-1992) made a significant impact on Cuban photography, bringing a thematic and conceptual shift to contemporary documentary photography. His influence is evident in the work of followers like Raúl Cañibano and Gonzo González, among others.

Graduated from the San Alejandro Academy and the ISA, he specializes in documentary photography, continuing the legacy of his father’s work. He prefers the photographic essay to explore questions such as: Who is it?, where the subjects are unknown or visually obscured, representing any of us. He seeks a dialogue between symbol and image, affirming realities and provoking analysis and reflection with unique themes.


Some information comes from La Jiribilla magazine:

Alberto Diaz Gutierrez «Korda»

Thanks to the iconic photograph Alberto Diaz Gutierrez (Korda) took of Commander Che Guevara, he became the most internationally recognized Cuban photographer. Although he gained fame as a revolutionary photographer, this type of photography did not dominate his entire career. Korda was a pioneer in fashion photography and also captured notable nude portraits. He ceded the rights to his famous photograph to the Italian publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, living a humble life as he did not receive significant financial benefits from this image.

As an interesting fact for photographers passionate about technical details, Alberto shot the famous photo with his Leica camera and a 90mm lens.

Korda kept the photograph and the camera until the day of his death. Currently, the photographic negative is housed in the Museum of the Revolution in Havana, where it can be visited.

To fully learn the history of the famous photo, click HERE.

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